I started this blog just before I started University in September 2018, my plan was to write often, I failed, not my course, just my plan to write.
The course however flew by, 4 years, a pandemic, an emergency surgery, 4 family bereavements, new friends, new skills and so much more.
I passed with a 2:1 and that will do me.
The course covered costume design, historical context, textile design and decoration/embellishment, and costume construction.
• 1st Year Designed costumes and textiles for The Firework makers Daughter, constructed (including drafting the pattern) a 19th Century bodice.
• 2nd Year Designed and Constructed costumes (including textiles) and a puppet for Dracula.
• 3rd Year Placement year (An unusual year due to the global pandemic, though still a busy and productive year with an eclectic mix of experiences.).
• 4th Year Final year Research & Development Module and Monograph on the theme of Innocence and Virtue in the Long Eighteenth Century.
Final Major Project with 4 costumes made Moll Hackabout & James Dalton from A Harlots Progress, The Sailor from Fanny Hill and Roxana from Roxana A Fortunate Mistress.