Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Discovering you PhD Potential (MOOC)

 First reflection


We would like you, in your Reflective Journal, to begin to form a clear career path.

  • Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? In ten years?
In five years, I hope to be nearing the end of my PhD, with my PGDE under my belt. I will still be working in the same job or something similar. I will have fully developed the MA courses that I am writing, and they will be live. I will have completed the extra research I am doing now and finished writing my book.

In ten years, I will have completed my PhD, and I hope to have finished writing another book based on my research.

Consider carefully whether doing a PhD will help you to fully achieve this, and if so how?

  • Do you need to consider other types of study before embarking on a PhD?

    I have completed a BA and MA Res; I am hoping to submit my AFHEA in the next few weeks, and hope to move on to FHEA and, hopefully, SFHEA.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Women in War Study Group

Whilst looking for something else, I can't remember what exactly I discovered the Women in War study group, it seems that it is something I need to look into further. 

 Women in War Study Group | John & Celia Lee

PGDE second attempt.

 It was on

Then off

Then on

Then started

Then off

More on this when I feel up to it.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

BCMH New Researchers

Today, I presented my First Paper at the British Commission for Mistory History New Researchers Conference in Portsmouth today. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024