Thursday, July 28, 2022

Offer Letter

 The long-awaited offer letter finally arrived. 

Printed acceptance form and returned straight away. 

Now to get this ball rolling properly. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Grants, Burseries, Scholarships and more

Degrees are expensive, there is no arguing that. Research degrees are cheaper than taught degrees, but still not cheap. There is of course post-graduate student loan. 

I have been looking at alternative funding sources to help fund my masters, nurseries, scholarships and grants. 

A lot I don't qualify for as they are specific locations or universities, or for those under a certain age. 

However, I found a couple that I could apply for and so I have applied for a couple of bursaries. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Student Finance



Amazing came back from a few days away, to find my student finance has been approved already, less than a week.

It's all feeling a little real now.

Sunday, July 17, 2022



Let the research begin.

A little recourse light reading, looking forward to getting started properly soon.

Saturday, July 16, 2022


Yesterday was graduation day. 
Finally, after four years I graduated. I say finally, but actually, those four years have flown by and I'm left feeling a little sad that it's over. I'm missing the work, missing my coursemates, friends and missing university life.

However I am also looking forward to the future challenges of a master's, and now wondering if I should go for the MA by research as originally planned or do I go to Leeds for the taught master's. 

Decisions, Decisions.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Graduation Day and No 2nd offer yet

Graduation Day today from my BA (Hons) Course.

It went well but feeling rather sad as no offer yet from my preferred university despite it being almost two weeks since the interview.

I decided to email (not expecting a response till Monday). However, got a response almost straight away with an offer.

So happy now.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Interview 2

Interview 2 is done and dusted.

It went well and I was instantly offered a place.

The course looks great but is not what I planned.

Thinking time needed.

Interview 1

I have had one interview so far, that was on Monday it went well I think, but you never really know. 

They said they would let me know in a couple of days (it's Wednesday today).

I have another interview this afternoon so fingers crossed.

I also have a couple of other applications to complete.

Monday, July 4, 2022


The first interview later today, not sure if I'm nervous or excited.