Friday, August 26, 2022

Fits and Starts - An update

 Well, it was all going well, a busy summer means I have neglected the blog, but busy working while I can.

BA ( Hons) certificate arrived at the beginning of the week along with my transcript which sadly only shows a few of my placements, but I guess there is only room for so many, also doesn't mention my peer mentoring in the peer mentoring section, but not the end of the world.

Student finance approved ( for the wrong course) my course apparently not on the CMS. Cue lots of phone calls and emails to sort it out. Lady at  Student Finance gave me a fright when she said the course may not qualify for funding. 

I have spent a chunk of the summer doing an ILM Coaching course, which has been really useful and interesting, completed my final assignment for that today.

Just something to be aware of if I start asking you questions to help you reflect, I keep slipping into coaching mode by accident.

Pre-enrolment for my course was relatively smooth (except the above finance issue is still to be resolved), and my new researcher email address was updated tonight, meaning I have now lost access to Brightspace etc.

Now just busy planning the next 13 months, as it's just 1 month till I start officially on my Masters by Research, all a bit scary now.

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