Friday, September 9, 2022

The day after

Today is still somewhat of a surreal day, with the loss of Her Majesty the Queen yesterday the world is mostly in mourning, except for a few individuals. 

Newspapers around the world carry her photo on the front cover. Sports events in the UK were postponed, and sports events in the US held two minutes of silence. World leaders paid their respects including Ukraine and Russia.

The death salute fired in her honour, with one shell for every year of her life, was the longest salute ever fired with 96 shells. 

The nation's television has been taken up all day with memorials and protocols. People mourning, and the new King meeting the new Prime Minister. We have seen lovely photographs and films of a young Queen, and people's memories.

The navy will of course be preparing the gun carriage for a state funeral as is the custom in the UK since the death of Queen Victoria in 1901.

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