Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Welcome (Freshers) Week

 Well its began, the new academic year has started. 

After a busy first day actully teaching my costume class at collage, I dashed through t university for th highlight of the year. Welcom fair. 

A tie when thousands of students eat lots of free pizza ad pack in to an over heated sports hall to view wha th unversities many societies have to offer. You can gt free sweets, free drinks, lanyards, safety advice frm the local Fire Service, free bags, or from our stall The Costume Society free sketch books.

All the while being entertained by th local nightclub banging out so music.  For many students this is some kind of fresh new hell that scares them so much they ae scared to come for day two of welcome fair, for others the forget to go to their lectures and spend the dayeating sweets and soaking up the club like (with lights) of the sweaty sports hall. Most first years dont join as they have forgotton all that they saw on the way round. For those of usthat have done it all before we sit and watch, spotting the ew rather bewildered oun students, or the far more confident mature students who wonder what exactly they have let themselve in for. 

It is however lovely to meet new students and old studnts, students returning from Placement somee of whom due to covid have not yet experienced a Welcome fair.

Tomorrow I'll have a nosy and see what else is here, but for today I'll sit and watch, observe the mayhem, the stdents with a character nd those still to develop one. 

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